15 January 2014

Why this Path?

I honestly never expected myself to be a chef.
I always thought I would end up being a doctor.
I think it's because from small I saw pictures of doctors looking all so professional and smart.  
'Haiya Typical Asian Thoughts'
So during most of my school years I studied my butt off.
Keeping my grades at the top.
Stressing myself with books and more books.

Whenever I am stressed, I would start baking.
I don't know why but baking helps me to relax.
And all those baked products would end up in my classmates' stomachs.
I would always bring cakes and other baked goods for them to eat.
I was like practically giving free food to them everyday.
They should know how PRIVILEGE they were. 
But I feel joy and happiness when they enjoy eating what I made.
It's like a satisfaction kind of feeling.
Okay they were kind of my lab rats... Haha xD...

One day we went to a career talk in Sunway.
And they gave a list of what I am interested in.
And of cos I was planning to do medical, thus I ticked all the boring science subjects.
Urghhh (Why??)
Then a speaker showed us slides of all types of careers.
A picture of a chef appeared.
My classmates all turned and looked at me.
Tasha's career!
I was like a bit skeptical about being a chef. 
Okay la...not a bit... I was VERY skeptical.
Not very sure if I can earn a living as a chef.

But after that career talk, I kept thinking what if I took the path of being a chef?
I mean it's like doing something I enjoy and can be happy with.
At first I thought both my parents would say no, but I came back and told them about it...
My dad was quite excited with the idea O_o
I guess he always wanted to open a restaurant of his own. *No he doesn't cook*
My mum liked the idea of me being a chef.
Something new in the family.
Hmmm my family is quite opened about these things.
I guess it's because my siblings had their own careers on the way.
My brother is doing dentistry. (medical)
My sister is in the business line.
Since I am youngest child, I guess I could choose a different course.
But some of my teachers were like why?? 
Even my dentist laughed about the idea =.= 
I wanted to kick him seriously.

So 1 month before my O Levels exam, I decided to become a chef =D
But I still planned to do well in my O levels (Plan B).
Results came out and I did quite surprising well O.O

Now I am in my 3rd Semester of my course.
Finally I can let my imagination run wild and free with new ideas of creativity ^^

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