17 January 2014

The Crumble Beginning

The Apple Crumble was actually one of the best baked food I made.
It was the one that started it all.

It was one day I was very bored and I just decided to make apple crumble.
Brought it to school for my lab rats.
They were so eager.
Free food maaaaa

We all waited for break time to start.
 One side of my eyes,
I could see William staring at my tray of apple crumble.
I knew he was waiting to gollop the whole thing.
You don't eat enough is it?!
Seriously... Matt and William are one of the two skinny boys I know who eat rice servings like the size of a mini mountain.
Then they could even have room for pasta or a burger.
High Metabolism...
I am so going to wait for you guys to get old and get pot bellies.

I honestly I was afraid it might not be as good as I think it would be....

But then.......

They really loved it. Matt especially.
He took the tray away so that he could eat more of it 

I am not exaggerating. This actually happened.

 I was really proud of my 'Apple Crumble'.

Not only my friends loved it, 
relatives and guests that came to house kept asking for seconds!

Ever since that day, my classmates kept asking me to bake apple crumble.
I didn't really want to make anymore apple crumble for them.
I wanted to to try other dishes to test on them. LOL!
Hey guys...admit it.
You enjoyed being my lab rats. ;)


1 tray of apple crumble
20 cm x 20 cm (RM38)
Serving size: 16 people

16 January 2014

Bottles and Ice

Two things that made that day very memorable:
1) I bought my lovely red NineWest shoes <3
2) The struggle that Jess and I had to go through.

Jess and I were asked to get packets of ice and bottles of water since we were in Pavilion.

One packet of ice was 2.5kg? Needed 4
One bottle of water was 6 Litres?  Also needed 4
They were just freaking heavy la.

So this was how Jess and I looked when we were carrying all these things to the entrance of Pavilion.

Jess' excruciating face (left)      My supposed to be excruciating face (right) Okay la... I was laughing like hell all the way.

Jess was struggling more since the bottles were heavier.
I wanted to help carry one bottle but she insisted 'no need'.
No need to be superman la Jess!
Actually we were rushing cos Arvind was waiting in the car at the entrance.
I was laughing too much all the way.
It was just too funny.
We were actually dying cos we were carrying more than 10kg (FYI we are girls)
Of cos Jess and I had a few pauses while we were speed walking.
I don't know if I was dying cos it was heavy or I was laughing too much till I got the hiccups.
I bet people were thinking that I was some hysterical girl happily carrying ice.

Luckily we made it to the entrance and Arvind's friend, Tim finally took the weight from us.

15 January 2014

My Fondant Work =P

I actually did this last year (2013).
I used to wonder how people make those.
Is it hard? =0
I finally had the chance to make my own =)
Once you make your own fondant,
it's like playing with play dough all the way
Very addictive I tell you.

This was the first one I made as a cupcake.
I call it 'Ballerina tutu Cupcake'.
Not bad okay....

Then I finally went for the cake >=)
Took me like 4-6 hrs?? Around there la.

As you can see it's quite a small cake.
My sister didn't like the colour cos it reminded her of baby showers O_o
But now I think about it...
It can be a baby shower cake. *Hinting*

Why this Path?

I honestly never expected myself to be a chef.
I always thought I would end up being a doctor.
I think it's because from small I saw pictures of doctors looking all so professional and smart.  
'Haiya Typical Asian Thoughts'
So during most of my school years I studied my butt off.
Keeping my grades at the top.
Stressing myself with books and more books.

Whenever I am stressed, I would start baking.
I don't know why but baking helps me to relax.
And all those baked products would end up in my classmates' stomachs.
I would always bring cakes and other baked goods for them to eat.
I was like practically giving free food to them everyday.
They should know how PRIVILEGE they were. 
But I feel joy and happiness when they enjoy eating what I made.
It's like a satisfaction kind of feeling.
Okay they were kind of my lab rats... Haha xD...

One day we went to a career talk in Sunway.
And they gave a list of what I am interested in.
And of cos I was planning to do medical, thus I ticked all the boring science subjects.
Urghhh (Why??)
Then a speaker showed us slides of all types of careers.
A picture of a chef appeared.
My classmates all turned and looked at me.
Tasha's career!
I was like a bit skeptical about being a chef. 
Okay la...not a bit... I was VERY skeptical.
Not very sure if I can earn a living as a chef.

But after that career talk, I kept thinking what if I took the path of being a chef?
I mean it's like doing something I enjoy and can be happy with.
At first I thought both my parents would say no, but I came back and told them about it...
My dad was quite excited with the idea O_o
I guess he always wanted to open a restaurant of his own. *No he doesn't cook*
My mum liked the idea of me being a chef.
Something new in the family.
Hmmm my family is quite opened about these things.
I guess it's because my siblings had their own careers on the way.
My brother is doing dentistry. (medical)
My sister is in the business line.
Since I am youngest child, I guess I could choose a different course.
But some of my teachers were like why?? 
Even my dentist laughed about the idea =.= 
I wanted to kick him seriously.

So 1 month before my O Levels exam, I decided to become a chef =D
But I still planned to do well in my O levels (Plan B).
Results came out and I did quite surprising well O.O

Now I am in my 3rd Semester of my course.
Finally I can let my imagination run wild and free with new ideas of creativity ^^


'Scrumptious Cookies N Cream'

'Moist Red Velvet' 

Moist Red Velvet

Sold as: 4 Cupcakes per box (RM20)
                6 Cupcakes per box (RM30)
Bulk Orders for occasions are also available =]

Pickup & Delivery                                                                  
*There would be delivery charge about RM10+*         

Areas around Sri Hartamas, Mont Kiara and Solaris Dutamas would have no Charge.   

11 January 2014


Brownies as the Base.
Baked Cheese Cake as the Top.
Per Piece - 8cm x 6cm (RM6) 
Whole Cake - 17cm x 17 cm (RM40)
*Brownies with Nuts would cost slightly higher*